Prayer Timetables - Namaz Times
Create and download prayer timetables for various cities in the world! Start by entering your city's name in the form above. If not found, or too many results, combine the city with state or county name or higher administrative order .
Muslim Prayer Times for Various Countries
Examples of prayer times for various cities can be found from the following links (sorted by popularity or number of places searched). They are available as daily prayer times, monthly prayer timetables, or yearly muslim prayer timetables. In addition, there will be options to download the prayer timetables as PDF, texts or Excel (.csv or .xlsx) formats.
India (5k) | United States (1,9k) | Indonesia (799) | Australia (479) | Pakistan (369) | United Kingdom (321) | Malaysia (310) | Saudi Arabia (255) | Canada (235) | Nepal (231) | Bangladesh (199) | France (192) | Germany (151) | Qatar (144) | United Arab Emirates (135) | South Africa (131) | Turkey (127) | Italy (112) | Sri Lanka (96) | Japan (92) | Nigeria (91) | Philippines (87) | Spain (84) | Russia (72) | Colombia (65) | Algeria (64) | Norway (64) | Turkiye (63) | Kuwait (62) | Iraq (61) | Oman (58) | Sweden (56) | Brunei Darussalam (55) | Netherlands (55) | Egypt (51) | New Zealand (46) | Mexico (42) | Argentina (40) | Thailand (40) | Morocco (37) | Austria (35) | Tunisia (35) | Swiss (34) | Brazil (33) | Israel (33) | Belgium (31) | Belarus (30) | Bahrain (29) | Bosnia And Herzegovina (29) | Ireland (29) | Lebanon (29) | Denmark (28) | Poland (28) | Uganda (28) | Senegal (27) | Mauritius (26) | Switzerland (26) | Ukraine (26) | Bulgaria (25) | Kenya (25) | Azerbaijan (24) | Kazakhstan (24) | Kosovo (23) | Mali (23) | Peru (23) | Estonia (22) | Albania (21) | Latvia (21) | Romania (21) | Finland (20) | Jordan (20) | Tanzania (20) | Iran (19) | Somalia (19) | Uzbekistan (19) | Singapore (18) | Ethiopia (17) | Ghana (17) | Hungary (17) | Niger (17) | Maldives (16) | Democratic Republic Congo (15) | People''s Republic of China (15) | Portugal (15) | Zambia (15) | Serbia (14) | Sudan (14) | Cameroon (13) | Syria (13) | Bolivia (11) | Democratic Republic of the Congo (11) | Ecuador (11) | Gambia (11) | Guatemala (11) | Moldova (11) | Panama (11) | Sierra Leone (11) | Slovenia (11) | South Korea (10) | Zimbabwe (10) | Chad (9) | Jamaica (9) | Lithuania (9) | Malta (9) | Mozambique (9) | Slovakia (9) | Botswana (8) | Chile (8) | Cyprus (8) | Greece (8) | Luxembourg (8) | Malawi (8) | Vietnam (8) | Burkina Faso (7) | Czech Republic (7) | El Salvador (7) | Liberia (7) | North Macedonia (7) | Trinidad And Tobago (7) | Venezuela (7) | Yemen (7) | Angola (6) | Benin (6) | Burma (Myanmar) (6) | Paraguay (6) | Rwanda (6) | Taiwan (6) | Afghanistan (5) | Belarusia (5) | Croatia (5) | Cuba (5) | Georgia (5) | Kyrgyzstan (5) | Montenegro (5) | Myanmar (5) | Saint Kitts And Nevis (5) | South Sudan (5) | Cote d''Ivoire (Ivory Coast) (4) | Djibouti (4) | Libya (4) | Montserrat (4) | Suriname (4) | Turkmenistan (4) | Armenia (3) | Barbados (3) | Belize (3) | Bermuda (3) | Bosnia and Herzegovina (3) | Cayman Islands (3) | Central African Republic (3) | Costa Rica (3) | Czechia (3) | Fiji (3) | French-Reunion (3) | Guinea-Bissau (3) | Hong Kong-China (3) | Namibia (3) | Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (3) | Tai Wan (3) | Turkish Cypriot Administered Area (3) | Turkish-Cypriot Administered Area (3) | Bhutan (2) | Burundi (2) | Dominica (2) | Gabon (2) | Guinea (2) | Haiti (2) | Hong Kong SAR (2) | Iceland (2) | Lesotho (2) | Monaco (2) | Mongolia (2) | Puerto Rico (2) | Republic Of The Congo (2) | Sint Maarten (2) | Togo (2) | Andorra (1) | Antigua And Barbuda (1) | Bahama (1) | British Indian Ocean Territory (1) | British Sovereign BSB Areas (1) | Cambodia (1) | Cile (1) | Dominican Republic (1) | French Polynesia (1) | French-Guiana (1) | French-Martinique (1) | Grenada (1) | Guyana (1) | Honduras (1) | Isle of Man (1) | Jersey (1) | Madagascar (1) | New Caledonia (1) | Nicaragua (1) | Papua New Guinea (1) | Saint Pierre And Miquelon (1) | Seychelles (1) | Svalbard (1) | US Virgin Islands (1) | Uruguay (1)
Popular Prayer Timetables
Ramadan 2025 Prayer Timetables (Namaz Times)
When is Ramadan 2025?. Find out information about the incoming holy month of Ramadan and create your own Ramadan prayer timetables using our online Ramadan 2025 Timetable Generator. You can then, save or download the timetables as PDF or Excel formats.
Prayer Timetable Widget
We have set up a service for you to display daily prayer times as a widget for your website.